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VA Ready

The Virginia Ready program is available to domiciled Virginians who are looking to increase their skill set by earning a credential for an in-demand job in Virginia’s growth sector.  Virginia’s growth sector is determined by Virginia’s leading employers in the following industries: Cyber/IT, Healthcare, and Skilled Trades. All VA Ready supported credentials fall within Virginia’s growth sectors.
To enroll, a student must be eligible for FANTIC (beginning July 1, household income must be at or below 200% of the Poverty Guidelines).  A $1000 award is provided by VA Ready to eligible, enrolled completers of certain approved FastForward programs.  The FastForward credential must be successfully obtained by a student to receive the VA Ready Credential Completion Award at the end of the program.  
Virginia Ready State Aid (VRSA) funding is now available for enrollees in Virginia Ready. This funding covers the entire first third (100%) for one FastForward enrollment per VA Ready Scholar.  It is available as long as VRSA funds are available.     
In order to be eligible for VRSA, a student must be:

  1. Enrolled in an upcoming FastForward program (standard FF eligibility criteria is required, including domicile). Students have up to five days’ grace from their opening class date to enroll, if not done prior.
  2. Eligible or already be approved as a VA Ready Scholar (requirements found at the end of this document).

    Persons in Family/Household Poverty Guideline FANTIC 
    200 Percent of Poverty
    (Poverty Guideline x 2)
    1 12,760  $25,520 
    2 17,240 $34,480 
    3 21,720 $43,440 
    4 26,200 $52,400 
    5 30,680 $61,360 
    6 35,160 $70,320 
    7 39,640 $79,280 
    8 44,120 $88,240 
    Federal poverty rates are updated annually and can be obtained here:

    VHCC Eligible Programs:
Certified Billing and Coding Specialist
Nurse Aide