How do I find available courses?
You may browse or search offerings by clicking "Courses" on the menu bar to the left without having to sign in. Click on the "Online Courses" button if you are only interested in online training. Click on the "Classroom" button if you are only interested in training offered in the classroom. You may also search offerings by title, instructor, or dates by clicking on "Search Criteria." Full course description, teacher biographies, directions, and other pertinent course information can be accessed by clicking on the course title links.
When do classes start?
Non-credit classes can start at any time. We have great flexibility and that allows us to offer many start dates for classes.
If a class is full, can I put myself on a waiting list?
Yes, if you would like to put yourself on a waiting list you man, and if and when space becomes available, a staff member will contact you to see if you are still interested in taking the class. Being on a waitlist does not ensure you will get into the class. It is not registration in the class.
Do I need books or additional materials?
Please check the detailed information for your course to determine if a materials fee, textbook, or pre-requisite is required.
How do I register for a course?
If you are new to our site and would like to register, you will first need to create a profile. Creating a profile is a one-time process for new students and will provide you with your own personal, password-protected account. You must have an email address to complete the profile. Having an account will allow you to register and track your course selections. Click on "Sign in" on the left menu bar and follow the prompts. Note: This registration system is not linked to MyVHCC. A separate profile is required. If you already have a VHCC Student ID number (also called EMPLID or SIS ID), use the same number when creating your profile.
What type of information is required for my profile?
Note: It is important that this section is completed as fully as possible. Fields marked with a red asterisk are required. In order to provide consistence, we require you to use your email address as your Username. Demographic information is optional and is used by VHCC strictly for statistical purposes. Social security numbers and birthdates are requested in connection with VCCS system reporting requirements and accountability reports. Disclosure of social security numbers is optional--not required. You will receive your Username and Password in two separate emails.
What if I forget my password?
If you forgot your username or password, please click the “Forgot Username” or “Forgot Password” link to the right of the username/password box on the “LOGIN” page. The links will take you to a username or password request form page. You must enter your email address and then type your answer to your Identity Verification Question. Then an email will be sent to you. The link to reset your password will expire in 24 hours.
Select one or more classes, checkout and pay, confirmation:
Once you have made your selection, click on the "Add to Cart" button to add it to your shopping cart. You may choose additional classes or if you are ready, click the "Checkout" button on the shopping cart at the right of the screen. You must read and agree to the refund policy before you click "Continue Checkout" button to complete your registration. Payment is made through our secure, electronic payment site with your credit card (Visa or Mastercard). Please note that your registration is not complete until your tuition has been paid and processed.
What is your refund policy?
Students may withdraw from a class at least three days before that class is scheduled to begin to receive a full refund. No refunds will be provided after this time. Refund requests must be made in writing by mail, fax (276.739.2587), in person, or email ( or 276-739-2430. If the college cancels your class, you will receive a full-tuition refund or given the option to switch to a different class.
How do I obtain my refund?
If you paid by credit card, the refund will be credited to your card. All other refunds will be issued in the form of a check and will be made payable to the student, regardless of who paid the tuition and fees. The refund check will be sent from Richmond to the student’s mailing address within four weeks after the check payment has cleared. Please make sure your mailing address is correct.
Are classes cancelled when there is low enrollment?
In most cases, we require a minimum number of students for a class to run. You will be notified by e-mail or phone if your class is cancelled.
Do you offer a Senior Citizen discount?
In non-credit classes that have met sufficient enrollment, senior citizens (60 years of age or above) may register in a non-credit course, tuition free, on a space-available basis. In the case of a class that has insufficient paying enrollment, all senior citizens will be required to pay the full tuition for the class. Ed2Go, ProTrain, UGotClass, and FastForward certification classes are not eligible. Senior citizens eligible for tuition free classes must pay for any additional material fees. Senior citizens are limited to three tuition fee courses per semester.
Do I have to pay when I register for a class?
Yes, tuition is due at the time of registration. Payment plans may not be used for non-credit tuition. Attending without payment or auditing classes is not allowed. You may pay with cash or check payments (available on-campus) or by credit/debit card (MasterCard or VISA).
What if I want my organization to pay for my classes (third party payment)?
If your tuition is being paid by a third party (employer, government agency, etc.), submit a purchase/training order or letter/memo/e-mail of authorization with your registration specifying what training is being authorized. Only employers and businesses may use this privilege. Individuals are not qualified as a third party. Please include contact name, address, phone number, and email address. Yu may submit these forms by email to or fax to 276.739.2587. You are responsible for full tuition payment if the third party does not pay. You cannot register using one form of payment and switch to third party payment at a later date.
What is FastForward (also known as Workforce Credentials Grant)?
FastForward is a short-term workforce credential program to train Virginians for top, in demand jobs across the Commonwealth. The State of Virginia is offsetting the tuition on select workforce training programs at community colleges by 66%. The FastForward program is funded by the Virginia General Assembly to encourage the attainment of high-demand workforce credentials by underwiring the cost of approved credential preparation programs for Virginia residents that meet Virginia domicile requirements. You are required to pay on-third of the cost of the program with explicitly expectation you will seek and obtain the related credential identified for your pogrom of choice. Failure to complete the class will result in your financial obligation to pay an additional one-third of the cost of the program back to the Commonwealth of Virginia. If you are financially unable to pay the first third as determined by the predefined set of criteria, you may qualify for Workforce Financial Assistance (FANTIC). Funding for this program is limited so apply as soon as possible.
What is FANTIC?
Workforce Financial Assistance (FANTIC) provides funding to student’s demonstration the required financial need who desire to enroll in an approved workforce training program leading to the attainment of an industry-recognized credential or licensure and rare not eligible for other funding grants or financial assistance. Applicants will be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis. This financial assistance program will pay for 90%of the student’s cost (first one-third of the FastForward program). Qualified students will be responsible for 10% of the tuition amount at the time of registration. Failure to complete the class will result in the student’s financial obligation to pay an additional one-third of the cost of the program back to the Commonwealth of Virginia. Funding for this program is limited. If a student fails to pass the credential testing, then the student is responsible for paying for any additional testing he/she wishes to attempt. It is expected that the student will report (with verification) to VHCC. Workforce Development & Continuing Education when they successfully pass the credential exam.
Do I need a parking permit?
Parking permits to park in handicapped/disability spaces for duration of three months may only be issued by the Campus Police. These permits must be visible in car and contain the name of the person it is issued to, the signature of Campus Police and the expiration date. Upon appeal, the Vice President of Administration may extend the permit for three additional months.
Designated Areas and No Parking Areas
The area surrounding the Mechanical Technologies Building is reserved strictly for use as a loading zone, for emergency, state owned, and delivery vehicles, and for people with disabilities. No parking will be permitted along the roads or in any places not designated as parking areas without specific authorization.
Lot. 1
Administration Building Parking Area A section of the parking area in front of the Administration Building is designated for visitor parking. The remainder of this lot is open for faculty, staff, and parking for people with disabilities authorized to park in this restricted area.
Lot 2
Mechanical Technologies Building Parking Area The parking area located on the east end of the campus (to the east of the Mechanical Technologies Building) is designated for faculty, staff, guests, people with disabilities, and students. Due to the design of this lot and safety considerations, traffic is restricted to one-way as indicated. Pull through or back-in parking is prohibited.
Lot 2N (North of Lot 2)
This lot is unrestricted.
Parking Lot 2S (South of Lot 2)
This lot is unrestricted.
Parking Lot 3 - Lower Campus Parking Area
All parking not otherwise designated (students, overflow of faculty, staff, and visitors) is restricted to the large parking lot located at the bottom of the hill adjacent to Interstate 81.
Parking Lot 4 - Nursing Education Building Area
Several spaces are always reserved for people with disabilities and visitors as indicated. Half of this lot is reserved for faculty and staff until 1:30 pm. After this time parking of any vehicle is permitted on a first come basis. Yellow spaces are for faculty and staff. White spaces are for student use.
Parking Lot 4N (North of Lot 4)
This lot is unrestricted.
Parking Lot 5 (East of Tennis Courts - gravel lot)
This lot is unrestricted.
Parking Lot 6 (Playing Field Area)
This lot is available for students and others while using the playing field, tennis or volleyball courts, or nature fitness trail, and for overflow of Lots 4 and 5. It may also be designated for special groups.
Parking Lot 7 (West of Tennis Courts - gravel lot)
This lot is unrestricted.
Parking permits are not required. Be sure to follow student parking directions as listed above.
What is a CEU?
CEU stands for Continuing Education Unit. CEUs are earned for participation in non-credit continuing education classes. Non-credit courses are offered by VHCC Workforce Development & Continuing Education. The Continuing Education Unit was designed as a uniform unit of measurement to facilitate the accumulation and exchange of standardized information about individual participation in non-credit continuing education. Students establish a permanent record of non-credit experiences that may be used to enhance their opportunities for personal and professional development.
One Continuing Education Unit is defined as: Ten Contact Hours of Participation; In an Organized Continuing Education Experience; Under responsible sponsorship; capable direction; and qualified instruction.
What is the inclement weather policy?
Announcements regarding closings are broadcast on local radio and television stations. Note: When the college is closed due to inclement weather, workforce classes will automatically be cancelled. Make sure day and/or evening classes are specified.
Virginia Highlands Community College uses VHCC Alert to immediately contact you during a major crisis or emergency. VHCC Alert delivers important emergency alerts, notifications and updates to you on your E-mail account (work, home, other), cell phone, pager or smartphone/PDA (BlackBerry, Treo & other handhelds).
When an incident or emergency occurs, authorized senders will instantly notify you using VHCC Alert. VHCC Alert is your personal connection to real-time updates, instructions on where to go, what to do, or what not to do, who to contact and other important information.
VHCC will use VHCC Alert to notify registered users when the campus is closed or operating on a delayed schedule because of inclement weather. Please note that campus closing alerts may be issued prior to 6:00 a.m. and on weekends.
VHCC Alert is a free service offered by Virginia Highlands Community College. Your wireless carrier may charge you a fee to receive messages on your wireless device. VHCC will test the alert system each semester.
If you need assistance registering, updating your account information or would like to stop receiving VHCC Alerts, please email or call (276)739-2497.